We exist to put God's love into action by providing spiritual, physical, and emotional aid in many forms to people in need, to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to bring glory to God.
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Founded in April 2020, we annually serve hundreds of people in eight area communities who experience food or shelter insecurity, feelings of social disconnectedness, perceived isolation , or loneliness and abandonment. We offer temporary/emergency shelter, help with rent or utilities, food, clothing, and much more. We collaborate with corporate partners, local businesses, other non-profit organizations, state and local government agencies, local law enforcement, local broadcast and print media, and other community partners. We work to alleviate and find solutions to some of the most pressing challenges that women, men, and families in our communities face each day.
We serve anyone in need. As in Matthew 25, we ask, “Are you hungry? Are you tired? Are you cold? Are you sick? Do you need comfort? Do you need a place to sleep? If a person answers “yes” to any of these questions, we strive to help.
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God.” 1 Peter 4:10-11

Continuum of Care: We routinely receive referrals for assistance from all of our partners as well as private citizens. We respond, assess the need of each family or individual we encounter, and provide aid as resources permit. In 2022, we served over 1000 men, women, and children in eight area communities across Scottsbluff and Morrill counties. That includes vulnerable seniors, victims of domestic abuse, and people experiencing food or shelter insecurities. When we do our missions: food delivery, interviews with meal recipients, street patrol (whereby we drive and walk the streets and alleys our living-on-the-street people are known to populate)… and in coordination with local partnerships…we continuously assess and identify how 11:13 Ministries can better serve our population.
Good Steward of Financial Resources: Of every 11:13 Ministries dollar, 95 cents went directly to programs to serve those in need.
what we did in 2024
With your support in 2024 we were able to prepare, package, and deliver:
13,000+ free hot meals to the needy in eight are communities.
450+ free hot meals to people displaced by home fires.
600+ hot meals to children in local after schools programs.
We've also:
handed out more than 400 Blessing Bags
provided more than 850 meals to Celebrate Recovery attendees
handed out over 1100 sets of winter coats/gloves/hats
provided more than $4,000 in temporary shelter assistance and over $7000.00 in rent/utility assistance
About Us
Learn about 11:13 Ministries and why we engage the underserved and often unseen in our community.
Mission and Vision
What we do…and why.
What We Believe
All of our ministry activity is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines. These are the core beliefs of 11:13 Ministries and are based on the foundational truths taught in the bible.

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”
— Jesus (Matthew 25:40)